Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear Libya: Please Settle Down.

The Obama Administration has finally figured out how to get U.S. Citizens out of Libya. According to the AP:

"The State Department said late Tuesday it has chartered a ferry boat to evacuate Americans from Libya."

A ferry boat.

I am guessing every plane, ship, helicopter, and other vessel we have in our very large cache, are busy doing other important duties - like, waiting for budget cuts.

Here are some of the evacuation rules:

-- Travelers will be allowed one suitcase and one small carry-on item;

-- Pets will be allowed on the ferry but that they must meet European Union requirements;

-- Those who want be evacuated should be prepared to wait several hours and bring food, water and other necessities to the pier;

-- Those who take the ferry will be expected to reimburse the government for the cost.

Understandably, people in Libya who live and work there, should have had some insight into the potential issues and been aware they live in an unstable country on the verge of total and utter collapse (same for Tunisia, Egypt, and to a lesser degree - Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran) - I do not feel deep anguish for their plight.  After all, we are told we should get out more and visit the world (as if there is a relevance), but our government has stated (until Obama at least) that we do care about American citizens wherever they might be (and that isn't the worst thing we could say or do), yet we now expect reimbursement.  And you wonder why no nation on the planet cares what the U.S. says any more.  
I much preferred the countries of the world afraid of Bush than ignoring Obama.  There was a moment, a brief shining moment, when the 'madman of the Middle East' otherwise known as the 'nutjob from Tripoli' or 'crazy dumb bastard from Libya' ... a brief moment when the guy collapsed - he called Bush up and told him to come to Libya and take all his WMDs and to please leave him alone.  The US obliged - we removed tonnes of chemical and biological canisters, machines, and other products used to manufacturer such weapons.  There was a moment when Khadafi would never touch an American lest he be invaded and bombed. 
Today, no one has that fear, because Obama is here.
What a brave new world we have.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.