Friday, January 28, 2011

Things that irk

'Let me begin by saying' I would like to ....

There is no reason to either state what you will tell me, nor to inform me of what you will imminently make known.  JUST SAY IT.

All in all ...

What exactly does that mean?  Relative to what? 

Back in the day ...

What an odd formation of words and it sounds odder still when someone says it, most especially an 18 year old.  In fact it is almost as bad as when they say ...

We are where we are ... 
As opposed to being somewhere else and not being where we are.

We, as human beings must not forgot ....
And if we are not human beings then we are ... dogs, cats, fish, ghostly apparitions?  The more appropriate phrase would be: We must never forget ....

At the end of the day we should endeavor to ...
Most likely this person wants to sum everything up, but he uses a time reference - what possible connection is there between the end of the day and his point?  Answer:  None.

Currently, at this time ...
What can I write about this.  Currently at some other time or ... Currently right now we ... AMAZING they can tie their shoes.

That said, from day 1, we are where we are because the policies of George W. Bush ....
OMG.  How many meaningless expressions can we wrap into one sentence.  That said?  You are stating a point, not someone else based upon the remainder of the sentence, but again, you do not need to restate ... simply state.  From day 1 - as opposed to day 3 or 5.  And then we are where we are again.

I often read 1-2 paragraphs, put down the essay, lay down and nap for an hour, get up, finish the essay, go out and run, come back, have a nap, shower, eat, and read another essay.  And why not - if I am forced to read nearly incomprehensible meanderings, why can't I do it at my leisure - just like back in the day when I could wrap my head around these ... mistakes.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.