Monday, January 24, 2011

Germans: US a Nation of Warmongers

At least in 2003.  Today, they may have changed their minds, although one should ask them - 300 million people are still here, probably 290 million were here in 2003 as are here in 2011 (same people).  If in 2003 they were warmongers, how did they suddenly change to become less so (assuming that would be the result today) if the people are the same?  Is it the government and its policies that make us warmongers?  If so, is it correct to believe we are a 'nation of warmongers' if we are not warmongers.  Perhaps they acted too quickly, without much thought.  Perhaps they didn't think about the implications of their responses.  Perhaps they are just another culture, no better or worse, just equal to the rest.

Poll: Germans Believe U.S. a Nation of Warmongers

Mon Feb 10 , 2003

BERLIN (Reuters) - A majority of Germans believe the United States is a nation of warmongers and only six percent think President Bush is interested in keeping the peace, according to a survey published Monday.

The poll by the respected Forsa institute, published in the Financial Times Deutschland newspaper, also found 97 percent of those questioned believed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was ready to go to war.

The survey found 57 percent agreed with the statement: "The United States is a nation of warmongers."

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has angered the Bush administration with his outspoken opposition to a war in Iraq, a position that has widespread backing in Germany where six million people were killed during World War II.

Tens of thousands of Germans have taken part in anti-war rallies in recent weeks.

The survey of 1,843 Germans found 93 percent believed Bush was ready to go to war in pursuit of his interests, while 80 percent said the United States wanted war to boost its power.

The poll also found 89 percent believed Schroeder was a "friend of peace."


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.