Thursday, December 16, 2010

Obama's 2nd term chances

With the Greeks rioting, the French protesting, the Italians marching, the Swiss abolishing laws against incest, Spain and Portugal on the economic brink of collapse, Ireland has fallen into the abyss, Belgium is teetering, Italy is following Spain over the precipice, Germany is tired of propping up failed economic models, Britain is awash in protests and demonstrations against fee hikes, in Russia demonstrations against the government and against Muslims, in Pakistan a government that is embattled and incompetent while in Afghanistan a bunch of child molesters run the government, while over in North Korea a dictator is falling even while he demonstrates how unstable he really is with his attacks on South Korea, and Japan reacts by pushing for changes to their constitution preventing a military of potential offensive capacity in addition to one possessing nuclear weapons.  In Iran a man with a size complex holds sway over possible nuclear weapons and blusters he will destroy Israel while he arms hizbollah and hamas.  In Egypt, a president for life (AKA a dictator) is nearing the end and the country is as unstable as it was in October 1981 after the death of Sadat.  I forgot to mention Saudi Arabia's intention to begin development of a nuclear program.

Meanwhile -

Poll: Most see Obama losing in 2012

By: Jennifer Epstein
December 16, 2010 03:57 PM EST

Most voters don’t believe President Barack Obama will win reelection, or that he deserves to, according to a new poll released Thursday.

Just 29 percent of the registered voters surveyed by Fox News and Opinion Dynamics said they believed Obama would win in 2012; 64 percent said they expected him to lose.

Views of Obama’s ability to get reelected broke down along party lines, with 49 percent of Democrats and 10 percent of Republicans saying Obama would win.

In a similar poll a year ago, 44 percent of the voters said Obama would win.

In a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released earlier this week, Obama led a generic Republican presidential candidate, 43 to 39 percent, and specific candidates by even larger margins.

Views of whether Obama deserves a second term also broke down along partisan lines. [NO, because it would be 40-45% saying he should have a 2nd term.  No, what you have is 10-15% of Democrats do not want him back, and 40-45% of Republicans do not want him back, and the remaining 10-15% who would be independents are nearly split  - which means there is no way he can be re-elected without a miracle and he hasn't been to church in several years so that may not be forthcoming, plus he also secured some Republicans last time which he will never get again.  Outlook:  Massive Electoral Loss]

Overall, 35 percent of those surveyed said he deserves reelection. Among Democrats, it was 67 percent and among Republicans just 7 percent.

Among independents, 32 percent said Obama deserves reelection.

The national telephone survey of 900 registered voters poll was conducted Dec. 14-15, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.