Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Elites on Tuesday's Election

He has it right.  Amazing they were falling all over themselves when a man who held federal office for less than 18 months was miraculously elected to the highest office in the United States and Free World, and that they had no problem with.

Clipped from Newsbusters

NPR's Nina Totenberg said Friday that she's very afraid of the upcoming elections.

Newsweek's Evan Thomas, her co-panelist on "Inside Washington," said historians might look upon November 2, 2010 "as kind of a joke...obviously the political system’s a mess"

GORDON PETERSON: Nina, columnist Paul Krugman says if the election goes as expected, his advice is be afraid, be very afraid. Should we take his advice?

NINA TOTENBERG, NPR: I am already afraid, very afraid. I mean, it’s not like governance has been going great. I think we’ll, I don't know whether I should be afraid, but there will be gridlock.

PETERSON: Evan, Krugman also says that future historians will probably look back at the 2010 election as a catastrophe for America. You are a historian. You agree with that?

EVAN THOMAS, NEWSWEEK: No, but they might look on it as kind of a joke. There is sort of a circus aspect to it that people, it’s become comic and a kind of a dark way. You know, Krugman is a professional doomsayer. So, you have to take that with a grain of salt. But obviously the political system’s a mess.

Isn't it amazing how these same people that were thrilled by the idea of America electing as president a junior senator from Illinois with little qualifications for the most important office in the land are now scared to death about who may be going to Congress next January?

Oozes with hypocrisy, doesn't it?


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.