Friday, September 3, 2010

“This is what change looks like"

The average American has experienced a 14% increase in their health care premium - Obama promised they would be lower.

Obama promised to transcend the ideological divides, yet his default response is entirely ideological.  Unlike Bill who floundered and sank in 1994, but was resurrected by the Republican majority in Congress - in part due to the many years he spent as Governor in Arkansas working with Republicans - Mr Obama has no record of working closely with Republicans.

Obama's answer to everything thus far has been MORE government.  Americans do not want MORE government, they want better government.

Private Sector Adds 67,000 Jobs, but the U.S. Economy Lost 54,000 Jobs in August; Unemployment Rate Rises to 9.6%.  And that does not count the tens of thousands who are UNDER-employed, or who have fallen off the rosters.  According to a recent Gallup report, "Underemployment, as measured by Gallup, was 18.6% in August, up from 18.4% at the end of July."
The RECOVERY SUMMER both Biden and Obama (and Nancy and Harry) resulted in a net loss of over 280,000.

and 120 Days to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History

On an international front, it is doubtful ANY world leader would like to talk to Obama about anything, and some are afraid of him showing up. 

China is testing the US militarily with claims about US naval interference and belligerence.  China still looks to Taiwan like a cat looks at a bird, after three days of nothing to eat.  Slowly China has been developing the resources - control of the US economy.  And Obama is witless.

Russia is aiding Iran with its nuclear plant, and quietly gobbling up the breakaway states who yearned to breathe free, and were free for almost two decades - quietly Russia is reasserting itself, rebuilding its nuclear forces.  Unchecked.

India and Pakistan - their deep animus simmers.

Pakistan - a powder keg, any time, any moment.  An Islamic state with nuclear weapons on the verge of a collapse into the arms of al qaida or a talibanesque regime. 

Our allies do not want to flee Afghanistan because they want to be done with it.  They want out because Obama is not worth fighting with or for - and they have all made that perfectly clear.

Germany - Merkel is like the female who went to bed with beer-goggles and woke up with 20/20 vision.   She does not trust Obama (her words in a 2009 interview) and apparently neither do most German government officials.

France - what more to say.  Sarkozy would rather have all his teeth ground to nubs than sit and talk to Obama about anything.  His wife would rather drink hemlock than have to spend time with either Barrack or Michelle.

Two of our staunchest allies in 2003 - Ukraine and Poland are no longer staunch, and in fact, have moved away - and did so in 2009 and further in 2010.  Gone.

Japan - they have enough issues and no interest in listening to Obama lecture them about anything.  The Japanese have not invited Obama back since he bowed to the Emperor in 2009. 

England - well, that special relationship has been battered over the last couple years.  Bush had no interest in the Scotsman - Gordon Brown.  Brown wanted to drape himself over Obama's coat tails, but Obama had even less interest in Brown than Bush had - poor Brown.  Obama threw Brown under the train.  Brown knew it.  And the new PM is also aware.  Cameron is no Gordon Brown.  He dislikes Obama on all levels.  I am pretty sure the Queen feels similarly - one simply does not touch the Queen, even to hug her like grannie.  Space issues.

We have lost Israel in the process of capitulating to the Arab world, and then we lost the Arab world when they saw how weak the US was - needing to capitulate demonstrated weakness, which is loathed by the Islamic world.

Everyone hates us.

And all this is the change he promised.

I always wondered what it would look like at the end of American supremacy.

I have now seen the end, and his name is Obama.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.