Friday, September 24, 2010

Boehner and the Boneheads: Doing Lobbysists versus Girlfriends

If an elected official is having an affair, they should stay out of the spotlight, avoid public contact, say nothing that would get them noticed.  If they do, and they are noticed and people do follow them about and they are discovered - they need to resign.  Regardless of party. 

If however the congressman is single, and he is seeing someone - the very idea you would smear him because the person he is sleeping with happens to be a lobbyist is so low, I have no problem with a policy of tit-for-tat, rip through the Democratic ranks and uncover who everyone is sleeping with gay and straight, and publish it all, regardless of consequences.  Then, those public figures in the media - you know the ones, whether on FOX or CNN, or maybe the Washington Post or New York Times - and yes, those reporters and journalists do become public figures (or at the very least quasi-public or public figures for purposes of one issue) - expose them all.  Broadcast to the world who they just slept with and let their lives collapse and their families suffer. 

The Democratic response - ah, but she is a lobbyist.  And my response is - when you are a cop, who is it you could possibly have an affair with: a) other cops, b) victims of crimes you meet while a cop, c) prostitutes or other sorts who sit borderline or maybe not borderline - straight up criminals, d) a nice person from church, or e) A through C.   The answer is C.  And as a congressman, who do you have most contact with:  a) beautiful New York Times reporters, b) beautiful bloggers c) lobbyists d) other congresspeople e) interns named Monica.   C and D and given the look of the congress, doubtful. 

How low will they go.  It is not extramarital so now they are seeking to destroy him solely on politics and simply because she is a lobbyist.  That demonstrates very clearly what they are doing and why.

So, I say - let the games begin, expose ALL of them, congress and media, and let the ruined lives begin, and when leftist bloggers squeal about how lives are ruined - let it be known that it started here.  NOT with Bill Clinton, for Bill lied to a jury, lied to the American people and did so blatantly, clearly, and unequivocally.  By the way, how did Teresa Heinz ever meet Senator Heinz?  And, maybe we could look within the assembled folks Obama brought to Washington for ... lobbyists.  Maybe??

Let it begin.

Liberal media goes on attack against GOP's Boehner

September 24, 2010
NY Post

The heat is on Republican leader John Boehner.

Liberal media outlets are trying to smear the highest-ranking Republican in the House just weeks before the midterm elections with a deal-breaking scandal before he has a chance to take the speaker's chair from Nancy Pelosi.

A blogger from liberal Web site The Daily Kos pierced through Boehner's security detail at yesterday's unveiling of his leadership policy "Pledge to America" to ask if he was sleeping with a lobbyist from the Printing Industries of America.

The congressman ignored the pesky blogger with a flip camera and kept moving to his fleet of black Suburbans.

The lobbyist who was named in the confrontation and then was contacted by he Daily Kos blogger Lisbeth Lyons denied the accusations. "As you can imagine, I was stunned by such a question," Lyons said. "I found it to be highly insulting, particularly as a female political professional, as well as unfounded. Beyond that, I have no further comment on the matter."

Insiders on Capitol Hill are buzzing about an upcoming New York Times exposé that will detail an alleged Boehner affair. Sources say the Times is looking for the right time to drop the story in October to sway the election, similar to how the Times reported during the 2008 presidential campaign on an alleged John McCain affair that supposedly had taken place many years before and that was flatly denied by the woman in question.

"Catching Boehner with a mistress is the only way to destroy him politically before the election," a source said.

A rep for Boehner's office said, "This is bull[bleep]. The American people oppose Washington Democrats' job killing, so their desperate liberal allies are resorting to outright lies. It's low, and it's dirty."


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