Thursday, June 3, 2010

Budget Issues

I asked a group of people how it was that the government did many of the things it did, where did it get the authority to do them?  Despite my making it clear that if the government did anything it was not constitutionally given the authority to do, it would 'implode'* - I still had many student who responded to my question with - because they are the government and they can.

The answer I was looking for was Article I, Section 8, last sentence.  Many students did find it!!  Yippee, we have now all been fooled. 

I think the next time I will ask another question - who proposes a budget?  Who ultimately passes the budget and who has greater control of the budget - the Executive or the Legislative?  The answer is the legislative - House of Representatives to be even more specific.  So - a president who proposes a budget of $1 trillion dollars in spending may see only a portion of his proposed budget ever see the light of day or the touch of a president's pen.  The Congress creates, modifies, changes, revises, and controls the budget - AKA - the spending AKA the debt AKA the deficit. 

I have to go a little further and ask - who controlled Congress in 2006 (December)?  And who immediately after the election in November, began taking control of the committees and restacking the bills?  From November 2006 through and up to and including November 2, 2010?  That's right - the Democrats.

The budget for fiscal year 2008, 2009, 2010 ... have been Democratically controlled, but we cannot forget 2007 spending by Congress using continuing resolutions.  Spending in this country, has been almost exclusively since 2007, and completely since 2008 - under the control of the Democrats.  All debt, all deficits, all of it is the Democrats.  INCLUDING the votes by Obama when he was the Senator from Illionis for a year, for all those continuing resolutions, and balooning budgets.

Yet we hear how it is all Bush's fault.  True, it can be argued.  From October 2001 through November 2006, those 5 years are Bush's responsibility, and the war that was thrust upon us in 2001.  Yes, those costs are high, have been high, and are in some cases, questionable.  So what is Obama's excuse?  Just before he left office, Bush accepted a huge debt under his administartion - one he could have left for Obama to incur, but he accepted it - you know that whole fanny and freddie (thrust upon us by yet more idiots and fools disguising themselves as serving the poor and oppressed).

Get it straight, even if you wish to continue blaming everything on Bush - recognize where the responsibility lies, accept the facts, and then go on with whatever nonsense.  Reality is painful, but not as painful as ignorance.

* - I meant this facetiously yet still, if the government acted unconstitutionally in creating ... a new department of taxation, without the authority to do so, it would be ruled unconstitutional and would be disbanded.  Again, it would not happen quite as simply as this, but the end result would be changes or deletions.  The government can only do what it is given the authority to do. 


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.