Saturday, October 31, 2009

What should our response be to Islamic Extremists?

EVERYONE MUST watch this video.  I don't know how long this site will carry the video, but everyone should get it and watch.

Minute 4:53 and on is very important.  Up to that point he explains his background and involvement with extremism and why he was involved in it.  4:53 on is what he suggests Israel do today concerning extremism in Islam.  Around minute 6:00, his statement has direct bearing on US policy and what compromise and talking means to terrorists - the more you concede, they attack.  Weakness encourages radicals, always!

We either learn from history, or we will repeat it.  And some people are harder than rocks when it comes to very complex ideas that require analystical skills.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.