Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Say it ain't so Joe OR There He Goes Again

Joe Biden, speaking in Ohio on Wednesday, stated as clear as one can state, in English - that 10,000 people per day were losing their homes.

To hear/find his exact words, you will have to find the video and or wait for a transcript to appear at some point.

10,000 per day X 30 days in a month = 300,000 per month X say, two months = 600,000 foreclosures?

True or False?

When a home is in foreclosure, does it mean, with absolute certainty that you will LOSE your home and be out on the street?

Come on Joe, stop 'making up' stories to scare people.

If Palin made up stories, the media would jump all over her as ignorant and not knowledgeable about the issue. Biden does it and ....

... well, no one calls him on it. Like: J - O- B - S being a THREE letter word.




Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.