Friday, October 17, 2008

Barack Obama vows to 'change the world'

"He's (McCain) lost because the Messiah has spoken and we're going to change the world. That's all people want to hear after eight years of Bush. Obama thinks he's won. Everyone here thinks he's won."

Tax cuts for 95.5%, money for health care, money for the war on terror, money for education ... and no taxes.


He will restore the world's opinion of the US after eight miserable years of George Bush. He will restore our alliances, build bridges to our allies ...

what a load of crap.

Which allies will he build bridges to? I want the names.

Which country have we offended, that will restore their friendship with us after Bush leaves? Which one. I want a name.

I want names, not rhetoric.

I want details not hyperbole.

I want facts not fiction.

We deserve better than a man with less than two years federal experience, invested with unsavory and untrustworthy sorts we are told are unimportant. They are relevant - when a man has NO PAST record of anything - we have every right to review who he associates with as a measure of his character. Martin Luther King Jr. - based upon character, not color, and Obama's character is in question.

I could care less what the world thinks. The world's opinion, and fifty cents would get you a newspaper.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.