Monday, July 23, 2007

Who is more serious about security

As simplistic as it may at first appear, the argument or question is valid. First we must consider what the bill, proposed and bantered about in the Congress - John Doe Bill, would do, according to Democrats:
- protect innocent law abiding Muslim Americans (or anyone for that matter) from being discriminated against.

In return, they ask that we permit lawsuits against anyone and everyone regardless of facts and let the courts sort it out.

They are more concerned with ensuring no one is discriminated against than they are with protecting our security. The problem, while a noble ideal - to prevent discrimination - will never be erased by virtue of a lawsuit.

An example - Muslim A and Non Muslim. Non muslim doesn't like his neighbor and called the police and or Department of Homeland Security and or the FBI on his neighbor and says he is a terrorist. The FBI/DHS go and arrest the guy, take his computer, his files, his phone records - and then they find nothing. Democrats want Muslim A to be able to sue Non Muslim.

Same people - Non muslim doesn't like his neighbor and called the police and or Department of Homeland Security and or the FBI on his neighbor and says he is a terrorist and has been acting strange. The FBI/DHS go and talk to the guy and after talking to him, they arrest the guy, take his computer, his files, his phone records - and then they find he had links to al qaida. Democrats want Muslim A to be able to sue Non Muslim but in court, the facts would win out and Non Muslim would be exonerated. ONLY after sepnding $10,000 - $20,000 in attorneys fees, days/weeks of stress, public ridicule, labeled as a Islamophobe ... and when exonerated, the labels would never be rescinded - they would remain, he would remain a symbol of tattling. he may be free, no lawsuits, but he would be tens of thousands of dollars poorer and would lose whatever he had of his name and reputation.

That is what the Democrats want to occur with the John Doe bill.

If I suspect a person about to get on a plane - I will have to consider: is there enough evidence to convict, or am I simply suspicious. If I am just suspicious, I should cancel my ticket and take another flight. THAT in itself demonstrates what the left would call Islamophobia even if no one else knows about it. Yte that will occur more often than not. Or, I will have to decide whether I want to be sued. what facts are known, do I have funds for lawyers, am I willing to undergo public attack and ridicule for good faith. No, so let the guy get on the plane, I won't and if it blows up - the Democrats are complicit in the deaths of the people on the plane for foolishly catering to their consituency - lawyers, at the expense of our security.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.