Friday, June 27, 2008

Oil - Imports

These stats are a couple months old, but within 1% are probably very close to the actual figures for today.

Obamessiah followers should pay particular attention as should the Losercrats.

100% of the oil we use in the United States comes from a barrel.

Of the 100%, the United States produces a certain amount of our own oil. We therefore, do not import 100% of the oil we use. We currently import a little more than 60% of the oil we use.

So where does it come from, this oil we use.

OPEC COUNTRIES provide: 43% of the oil we use 173,000 barrels.
NON OPEC COUNTRIES provide: 57% of the oil we use. 227,000 barrels.

NON OPEC (top 4):
Canada 20% close to 80,000 barrels.
Venezuela 10%
Mexico 10%
Nigeria 9%

From Iraq, we receive 3% of our oil.
In 1999, we received 5% of our oil from Iraq. 2% more oil BEFORE the war.

From Saudi Arabia, we were, as of April 2008, getting 44,000 barrels.

Canada and non-Opec countries are more significant than OPEC. NON MIDDLE EASTERN countries play a larger role than Middle Eastern countries and their oil.


Middle East

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.