Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ohio F*ck*d Up

What a complete fucking moron.

The people of Ohio must have shit for brains.

Dennis Kucinich opted to go cherry picking when God was handing out the brains, and missed the chance. Feeling guilty, after missing the only opportunity for brains, Kucinich opted to fill his skull cavity with the closest mush he could find - shit from an ass standing over him.

This man is uncouth, ignorant, and a liar, questionable whether he understand how traiterous he has been (publicly informing Iran that US troops were in Iran - it is not up to some asswipe from Ohio to put the lives of any servicemen in danger, even if his tirade were truthful). The question of whether he knows what he says is a lie or not, would be dependent upon how ignorant he is. If you claim he is very bright - then he is a liar. If you believe he is a complete moron, then he is simply ignorant.

In any case, after filling his skull cavity with shit, he was inclined to climb a tree looking for leprechauns, and fell out of the stupid tree hitting every branch on the way down. After listening to his rant on Youtube, I felt intense anger and felt stupider for having listened/watched. Very close to the feeling I had when I watched the movie Leprechaun and its progeny.

He should be recalled for the sake of being recalled. He should end his career of being a dumbshit before everyone knows how fucking moronic he is.

Of all the dumbshit things people could do, of all the imbecilic actions, this man tops them all. He makes Obama look like a fucking genius - which is not easy. He makes Pelosi appear a paragon of virtue - which isn't easy. He makes Barbara Boxer appear absolutely splendifourously brilliant - which is near impossible to do.

On the other hand - no wonder the Democrats keep him around. To make them all look better.

Someone should take him to the pound and put him out of his misery, err.. out of our misery. Send him to Iran.



Btw - this is in at least 110 different stories/articles. No one is covering it up. Put the tin foil back on and remember to take your meds.

I will never go to Ohio, even if it is the only dry land in the country after global warming. I would rather be a fish.





Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.