Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh Canada - Diaryland

To the unfortunate Canadian who suggested I look up stuff on wiki!!!!!


As I posted on your page - the only people who use WIKIPEDIA are losers (the bulk) and those brighter sorts who only have half a second to find an answer, or something could happen to them, and being wrong is not worse than the alternative. In your case - you rely upon that unrelaible source. How unfortunate.

Now comes the proof. Boy do I dislike dumb people - and amusingly, the infant child who posted on your site about how dumb people are! geesh. You were wrong and she was two branches further down the stupid tree. You have never elected a woman Prime Minister! Perhaps all that cold has caused a permanent brain freeze!!

Falling exam passes blamed on Wikipedia 'littered with inaccuracies'

Published Date: 21 June 2008

WIKIPEDIA and other online research sources were yesterday blamed for Scotland's falling exam pass rates.

The Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC) said pupils are turning to websites and internet resources that contain inaccurate or deliberately misleading information before passing it off as their own work.

: )

Stupid Canadians

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.