Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Obama: How low can he go.
Apparently 9/11 will now be National Service Day ( as explained to us by Mr. Obama).
I understand other people have asked the question, but why that day.
Is not the invoking of, 9/11, political. It was for over 7 years when Bush was president. Is not the very invocation of that date a political act? When Bush said anything on the 11th of September of any year after 2001, he was attacked as using that day for political purposes.
And why on 9/11 - why not March 2 or October 6? Why on September 11?
And don't say why not, because my response will mimic the last 8 years - its political, it is intended to wash away those memories ... help us forget, the war on terror (which according to Obama it isn't - it's a fight against al qaida) - the fact that millions wake up each day and want to kill you whoever you are and wherever you might be.
What a useless human being.
I hope the next president rescinds that action on January 20, 2013 at 12:01 pm.