Sunday, August 23, 2009

Barney the Angry Dinosaur

"M’am, having a conversation with you is like arguing with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it.”

"On what planet do you spend most of your time?"

"I mean, I thought you were thoughtful people here to have a conversation."

- If we didn't go to the war in Iraq, which I voted against, we would have had more than enough to pay for healthcare.

The above - all from Barney Frank at his 2 hour Townhall debate on healthcare.

We don't notice any condescension in what he said. None. Democrats are representatives of the people.

(And he is a dinosaur - he is representing an idea the people of his district, state, and the country overwhelmingly oppose.)


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.