Monday, August 24, 2009

Europe v US: Work Ethic

European attitude toward work:

Europe is a class-based system, whether in practice today or historically. Like anyone burdened by traumatic events (in this case a classed society - aristocracy and nobility versus peasants), they live under that past and have never escaped from its allure. Who doesn't want to be nobility - to not work, to lazy around all day and eat grapes. Marx believed we should all become poets. For Europeans, work is a bad thing, it is something you do in order to do something you prefer doing. Work is a bad thing - a place you go for punishment. The ideal for Europeans is to not work, to be like the aristocrats - to be free of work.

In America, we value work - we value the entrepreneur, we value the ideal of freedom achieved through work. We do not seek to become aristocratic, we seek to be free.

Europeans seek to be equal to the best - to sit on the chaise and gobble down grapes.

Two different value systems.

I prefer ours in terms of where I would want to live and raise children.

I prefer theirs in terms of a place to go for vacations.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.