Friday, April 4, 2008

$109 MILLION Dollars

In the years since 2000, the Clinton's have made (think Dr. Evil) over $100 million dollars.


That's a 1 with lots of zeros.

And for those wondering about Obama ... much much much much much much less.
And for those wondering about Bush .... way way way way less.
And for those wondering about Cheney - so much less than less than less.

Add Obama and Bush and Cheney up and you get a Clinton. oh wait, some would say, Bush and Cheney hide it ... yeah well, whatever Bush and Cheney hide doesn't equal the millions funneled to Hillary's campaign via foreign sources to Bill (all legitimately of course), THIS year (and that 100 million doesn't count this year) and more than 10 million will be found to be unaccounted for.

It has been the mantra of the left for some time that Bush is super wealthy - not true.
It has been the mantra of the left for some time that Cheney is super wealthy - not true.

Another measure - as I pointed out in an earlier post - who donates how much and to whom/what. I stated that Blue states were not as free with their donations (but generally did approve of higher taxes), while Red states donated more. Apparently, in 2006, a majority of all donations the Clintons made was to their foundation. That's one way to keep it in the family.

I think 100 million in 6 years qualifies as super wealthy.

Given that when Bill became president, they owned no home, no wealth, no nothing as Governor but that which Hillary had made prior to her time in office. Suddenly, 100 million dollars richer AFTER he is president. 5600% Clintons' wealth skyrockets by 5,600 percent. Posted on Friday, April 04, 2008 7:44 PM PT
By Andrea Mitchell and the NBC News Investigative Unit

Poverty? What the heck do they know about poverty. Only 14500 people in the bracket they are in!
In what proved to be an awkward juxtaposition, the disclosure of the records — which revealed the Clintons to be in the top one-hundredth of 1 percent, or roughly 14,500, of all taxpayers — came on the day that Mrs. Clinton called for the creation of a cabinet-level post to tackle poverty. NY Times.

Speaking to a statewide convention of North Dakota Democrats in Grand Forks on Friday, Mrs. Clinton criticized the Bush administration’s tax cuts, which she said favored the rich, then referred to the tax data she and her husband released earlier in the day.

“Now don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against rich people,” she said. “

As a matter of fact, my husband, much to my surprise and his, has made a lot of money since he left the White House, by doing what he loves doing most — talking to people. But we didn’t ask for George Bush’s tax cuts. We didn’t want them, and we didn’t need them.”

[NOTE: If you didn't want them, give it back. Ms. Clinton, the tax breaks didn't make you rich and didn't let you keep it all. Bill's suggestion in his book opn GIVING that peopel donate 5% ... a little less than most people already do - the average middle class person donates more than 5% Bill. It is only your wealthy friends who seem to have a hard time parting with money.]

No wonder people want to be president ... $100 million in six years. You can't make that unless you play in the NBA.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.