What is the difference between an average 20 year old, an Obama supporter, and an inhabitant of The Colony?
(Average 20 year old, residing in Los Angeles area. Obama supporter - the average supporter. The Colony - could be anywhere, but Malibu works best because I like the ocean.)
Sidebar: Speaking of ocean. I took the following photos

I don't routinely take photos of random people nor of strange guys going into the ocean BUT for the fact this is the North Sea. THINK - the area of water between Britain and Sweden/Denmark. THINK - VERY COLD and yet, this guy decided to go into the North Sea to SWIM!
End Sidebar.
Back to what is the difference between -
The answer - NOTHING.
I tend to find students who want fame or notoriety or who believe they simply deserve something simply because ( which is no different than the those who seek fame or notoriety).
Perhaps 15-20% fall outside either ends of these extremes.
Students who believe they are entitled to a grade, another chance, a reconsideration - because they are who they are and they have always been given what they demand of others.
The Colony - they have achieved that level of fame or celebrity so many ache for (foolishly). It is not that everyone wants to live near an ocean - oceans can be quite loud and salt water plays havoc with metal hinges and anything metal and or anything at all actually if it is exposed long enough.
Obama supporters - support a man because he wants change. They have no real idea of what change, just change. Change for changes sake. They don't know what change because he speaks in the most vague terms of this change. Uniting everyone, change the way politics is done - such doublespeak and foolishness. Very similar to the same mentality that permeates a student body. This may explain why they are so drawn to a man who has as much substance as air.
There is very little difference between the average student, Obama supporter, and anyone living in THE place (wherever that is defined as being).
It is sad we have raised a generation that believes it is entitled to everything for nothing. Doubtful we would have very many takers to jump in the North Sea, and if we did, they are not average.