Monday, May 19, 2008

No Senator, negotiation is not an option and neither is spending .5% of our GDP

On Saturday, May 17, 2008, Barrack Obama spoke to teeming crowd of lemurs in Oregon and told them that "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK, that's not leadership. That's not going to happen,"

Here is the thing Senator. You really should not open your mouth and demonstrate your anti-Americanism except when around your pack of lemurs. Why? Because your statement is sincerely ignorant.

The pack of lemurs don't know about the bill you sponsored that would tax us .5% on our GDP to save the poor and hungry, they don't know about the global warming tax you would impose upon us and turn over to the UN. They don't know very much, but that's what you get when you lead lemurs around. You must get a big laugh out of how stupid people are to follow you.

Senator, what difference does it make what other countries think or say to us? Honestly, what difference. These are countries that, not only are they not qualified to speak to the issue of global warming, they are, in most part, accomplices to death and destruction around the globe.

Kyoto is a joke. Tell the people how it works Senator, be honest. Tell them about credit selling and buying. Tell them that countries like France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, England ... can STILL over produce carbon emissions by as much as they want, as long as they buy credits from 3rd world countries, so that in the end, everything is equal. Senator, tell the people what this plan really is - a re-distribution of wealth plan, along with your .5% tax on our GNP (a very direct re-distribution of wealth tax), that is what you are all about. Taking money from someone and giving it to someone else. But don't call it global emissions Senator, because Kyoto is a joke. The US could conceivably sign Kyoto, still produce as much or more, buy up credits from Botswana and Mozambique, and still conform to Kyoto.

The difference today senator is that we don't give Mozambique $100 billion for their credits. The Europeans do. They have consistently GONE OVER the Kyoto protocols, whereas the United States has been lowering by several percentage points, our emissions WITHOUT ANY TREATY Senator, and we will continue to do so, using the technology we have, we will be able to beat any country's emissions record (for an equal size, industrial state). This will happen Senator, not from government taxes, but from industry and technology.

We can eat whatever we want Senator, it is irrelevant what the world thinks. We can have our temperatures set at 75 and we don't care what the world thinks. In your speech, we could tell you ran out of a clear sentence structure for you were fumbling for words. The world, Senator, is the pot, we may be a kettle, but they have a great deal more pitch built up, and have no moral authority to call us anything - other than to thank us. AND YOU KNOW THIS!

Senator, you demonstrate each time you speak why you are unqualified. Go back to representing Illinois and leave us alone.

I am not OK with the world Senator. Not their record on anything. Pick a country and they are demonstrative of why we need to say NO to them. Whether they ever say OK to us is immaterial to the argument you tried to make, but failed - except for the lemurs who cheer regardless of what you say.

Senator, your pathetic attempts to link our use of fuel and energy to our population size is, if nothing else, as old as the days of communism and socialism. You fail to understand Senator it doesn't matter if we are 4% of the world's population and use 20% of the resources, and you bloody well know it because you want to tax .5% of our GDP to save the poor on planet earth - you understand that the 4% produce with the resources we have, much of what the world consumes and needs. Our technology, innovation are the result of our culture, not something nurtured by one pound of rice per day allowance. Brilliance and innovation are not something that but for geography everyone would have. We possess the skills Senator and the ability and it does not come cheap. We have saved millions of lives in Africa from AIDS because of our technology that uses hundreds times more than Bangladesh's industrial output for a year, but the question Senator is we can cut back, oh sure we can and millions will die within a decade because we are not able to keep up. You would have allowed the Chinese or Russians or someone else to overtake us, someone who does not abide by rules and laws, and the world will suffer for your stupidity.

Try it sometime - spit at the crowds of lemurs and see if they cheer anyway. I THINK they will.

Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.