LA Times (Stringer / EPA)
While the regime in Burma refuse to allow UN inspectors in to monitor the distribution of food and supplies the world has sent - people are going hungry. You would think, the little government comprised of despotic militia men would use Burmese resources to help the people - like tons of rice produced in Burma. The answer is no.
Burma (Myanmar) raises a very good, yet uncomfortable question - when a regime/junta or even a democratically elected government, refuses the UN / world on requests to help and consequently thousands more will die - what should the UN do? In Rwanda - should the UN have simply gone in regardless of sovereignty issues? If so, then the UN should also be going in to Sudan, yet they won't, and more people have died in Sudan than Myanmar. While the discussion continues - hundreds will die.Burmese get only the scraps
LA Times, May 9, 2008
Cyclone victims report receiving rotting rice rations as Myanmar’s ruling generals export the valuable grain.
Thilawa, myanmar — While Myanmar’s military regime Friday restricted the rush of international aid offered to help hungry and homeless cyclone survivors, the government was exporting tons of rice through its main port.
Four of the five berths at the port of Thilawa for oceangoing container vessels were empty, but a crane was loading large white sacks into the hold of a freighter. The sacks were filled with rice destined for Bangladesh, said the drivers of at least 10 transport trucks waiting to deliver several tons more of rice to the docks.