I do not believe I can refrain from calling those people who voted for the least experienced president we have had - naive, foolish, and bloody stupid. It becomes increasingly more difficult. I struggle with the issue daily, every time I turn around, for 1 out of 5 human beings in the United States voted for the clown. A clown who is either a liar or a fool - who during the campaign said the stupidest of things, reiterated by his Obamites - and now we find none of them had a clue and our nation is about to be undone, and undone it will be - by their naivete.
When you raise the issues with Obama - Get Over It, We Won! Is their answer. How brilliant. Or they may say - we are simply doing what the people elected us to do. A lie.
I can wish for a meteor strike to so undermine civilian control as to forestall any political agenda for a couple years - enough time I might hope for sense to return to the tiny brains of at least 10 million people. You may all have good intentions, but that never paved anything - but the raod to hell.
Why? Why all of the above?
We were warned. We were told. Now we know.
It's Not An Option
Investors Business Daily
Posted 07/15/2009 06:46 PM ET
Congress: It didn't take long to run into an "uh-oh" moment when reading the House's "health care for all Americans" bill. Right there on Page 16 is a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal.
When we first saw the paragraph Tuesday, just after the 1,018-page document was released, we thought we surely must be misreading it. So we sought help from the House Ways and Means Committee.
It turns out we were right: The provision would indeed outlaw individual private coverage. Under the Orwellian header of "Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage," the "Limitation On New Enrollment" section of the bill clearly states:
"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law.
So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised — with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers.
obama and his plan