Friday, July 10, 2009

Biden: Secret meetings - All the Time, Every Day (or he can't talk without causing problems and he is in time out - how mature)

Possibly a very important policy change quietly emerged in the daily schedule of Vice President

LA Times
July 10, 2009
Andrew Malcolm

Loyal Ticket readers know that as a patriotic duty we monitor the long-time senator's schedule with a close eye for detail because, after all, this man is only a heartbeat away from having to give a toast at a G8 summit. We've especially noted Biden's innumerable "private meetings" that are closed to the press because, well, they're private.

And we've wondered aloud how this Democratic VP's private meetings with unnamed people on unnamed subjects differs from the private meetings with unnamed people that his evil predecessor had that got so many Democratic senators and representatives worried about nefarious secrets.

On one recent long weekend the man who became a Delaware senator when his future boss, Barack Obama, was an inexperienced fundraiser of only 11, devoted an entire Monday to "private meetings" that are closed press in his Delaware home.

If that isn't dedication for the $208,000 salary.

Well, today's schedule, unlike many at the end of Biden's work weeks, contains no "private meetings." Not one.

Having spent Thursday traveling and successfully selling the nation on the so far hard-to-detect effects of the $787 billion Obama administration economic stimulus spending plan that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave them, Biden will show up for work around 11 today.

He'll join Health and Human Services Secy. Kathleen Sebelius in a roundtable to discuss only the rising costs of healthcare for people who own or work for small businesses. One suspects the absent president's ambitious plan to spend billions more to impose his healthcare reforms might also be mentioned.

OK, so figure an hour for the roundtable, maybe 75 minutes max. You can only talk about that stuff so long before requiring healthcare yourself. Fifteen minutes for handshaking, cellphone photos and congratulations on the excellent roundtable. The VP should be outta there by 12:30.

That leaves -- what? -- five, maybe six hours to make it a seven-hour workday.

According to the White House schedule, Biden will not spend the remainder of the work day in private meetings that are closed press.

Instead: "The Vice President will spend the remainder of the day in meetings that are closed press."

You get the difference, right?

They are starting to get it. Starting.

Democrats will say ... hmm, what will they say? They will stutter a bit and say - it is different because they are fully transparent and .... they are open and they brought change to Washington, they are they party of inclusion and openness and caring, and Biden would never meet with anyone secretly. He is meeting off the schedule with people to get things accomplished for Barrack who wants change. If it were all public then the eveil Retardicans would attack Barrack and his love of change and would place obstacles in the way. This 'closed to the press' meetings are done in the spirit of change and amity not like the evil retardicans who are not so transparent and had ulterior motives ...

OR they will argue ...

Well, you know Joe, he just talks and this way he won't talk so much ...
(which translates to - he opens his mouth and inserts his foot - no worse than Bush, except Biden can be muzzled, which is what Democrats will do - muzzle people. Bush wasn't able to be muzzled although Democrats kept hoping Cheney would so they could attack with even more energy and visciousness.)


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American Form of Government

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