Sunday, August 10, 2008

Apologize to whom Senator? I demand to know.

Perhaps these are the people we need to be apologizing to Senator:

Russian excess is feeding discontent among poorer people. Pierrette, a housekeeper for one Russian, said: “I attended a party where the guests had fun throwing burning €500 notes into the air while everyone split their sides laughing. The domestic staff were later told to collect the ashes. It was sickening.”

But you say, these are not who we need to apologize to, it is the people of Russia or wherever in particular - yet, that is exactly who these people are - they are the government, they are the power, they control the governments you wish to apologize to.

Perhaps a little French Revolution is in order.

Perhaps it is not the rich, perhaps the army:

As a Russian jet bombed fields around his village, Djimali Avago, a Georgian farmer, asked me: “Why won’t America and Nato help us? If they won’t help us now, why did we help them in Iraq?”
A similar sense of betrayal coursed through the conversations of many Georgians here yesterday as their troops retreated under shellfire and the Russian Army pressed forward to take full control of South Ossetia.

Maybe you wish to apologize to everyone for the potential ethnic cleansing:

Any such incursion would be a dangerous escalation of a conflict that has already reportedly claimed thousands of lives and displaced thousands more. Russia, which said it moved into South Ossetia last week to protect pro-Russians there from "genocide" commited by Georgians, has now been accused of "ethnic cleansing" itself. Russia regained total control of Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, and Georgia offered a unilateral ceasefire as it withdrew all its troops.

It can't be Georgia you wish to apologize to - they served in Iraq, the war you wouldn't have supported if you had a choice. They invaded a small province - and you do not support warfare so you surely do not mean to apologize to them. You most assuredly cannot mean Russia - it is invading everyone. You can't mean China - it invaded Tibet and has used unrest issues as a means of cracking down on all dissent. You can't mean Thailand or Burma - military coups and regimes, Prime Ministers imprisoned, and states on the edge - are not interested in apologies nor should they receive them - it endorses their practices.

You can't mean Pakistan - you were ready to invade them some time back. You don't mean Afghanistan - they aren't interested in you apologizing for us removing the Taliban.

Who Senator. I demand to know. I have a right to know if you are about to apologize on my behalf. Who? France? Sarkozy has apologized to us. The French do not get an apology from us, merci beaucoup. Germany? Why? Because the US relations with the German government is better today than it has been for 14 years. Is that what you want to apologize for?

Who Senator? Tell me?

Britain? They do not want nor need an apology and we have not done anything to offend them. They have stood by us and we them.

Canada? They are standing by us, even if you do not support Afghanistan, they do, and will remain.

Who Senator? I want the names.

Just as you told the little girl why you were running - for a better America, this was another of your stupid statements - that you would apologize to the world ... so bloody well tell me who it is you think you need to apologize to because as far as I can tell, you are the only one who needs to apologize for you political grandstanding.



Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.