Friday, October 10, 2008

Obamessiah: Stoking the Flames of Division

Obama accuses McCain of trying to divide Americans

Associated Press Writer
October 10, 2008

CHILLICOTHE, Ohio (AP) -- Presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday accused Republican John McCain of trying to divide the country, but he let fellow Democrats handle harsher attacks while he kept his message mostly upbeat.

Speaking to an outdoor audience, Obama said "it's not hard to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division." He said Americans want "someone who can lead this country" with a steady hand in a time of economic crisis, not divide it.


An upside down, topsy-turvy world. Yes is no, No is yes, Up is down, and Obama speaks the truth and no one pays attention to the details ...

Obama, you cannot say: Everything is George Bush's fault, an illegal war, soldiers carpet bomb and kill innocent people, McCain is all about lobbyists, Republicans just want to help the rich ... and think in any way, shape, or form, that you are not dividing the country. Every time you say these things, you may get your base jazzed to vote for you, but you are dividing the country.

DO NOT MAKE ANY MISTAKE ABOUT IT ... the above statements divide the country. More than 40% will never support you on anything you do because you have divided the country.

And for some, who claim 40% do not matter - you will recall the anti-war rallies ... those rallies, in total, maybe 1%. You cared about what 1% were energized about, but not what 40% believe!

Me thinks you really do not care about much beyond ideological issues - that your interest is not in what is best for the country, but what is best for your ideology.

Mr. Obama, you have divided the country along lines that John McCain could not do on his own.

Throughout the early years of the Bush administration, McCain was beloved by liberals for sticking his finger in Bush's face over many issues near and dear to liberals. Today, McCain is the anti-Christ according to the far left. Today, McCain is dividing the country.

Obama - you have divided and continue to divide. That which you have created, you will not be able to heal. You cannot say things today and then tomorrow say we should come together. You cannot beat someone and expect them to accept your hand later.

You are nothing new Obama, you are the same old same old, a rehashed version of the Democratic party from the early 1970s, dressed up a bit.




Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.