Thursday, May 27, 2010

Warning: Sun can cause cancer, smoking can cause cancer, burned BBQ can cause cancer ...

....  everything can cause cancer - wait, we all have cancer cells in our bodies so nothing causes cancer, rather it flips the switch that turns cancer production on.  Or something like that.

In any case, a new study -  sunscreen causes cancer.

Some Sunscreens Accelerate Cancer, Research Says

Monday, May 24, 2010

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- New research show that some popular brands of sunscreen may actually accelerate skin cancer, instead of protecting your skin.

For years, experts have been telling people to apply and reapply sunscreen, especially when facing the sun's harmful rays. According to a new study by the Environmental Working Group released Monday, almost half of the most popular sunscreen contain ingredients that could actually speed up cancer.

Those like Ashley Rolling, who said she uses sunscreen religiously, said despite the new research, she will continue using the product.

"I don't know how much I believe that, I mean, have they tested the study thoroughly or what evidence do they have to back it up? That's what I would ask," she said.

Researchers said that sunscreen containing Vitamin A or its derivative seemed to be the cause.

Dr. Sanjiba Goyal, a local dermatologist said do not put that bottle down just yet.

"Based on the study, at least at this point, it's too early to draw any significant conclusions," he said.

In fact, he said Vitamin A derivatives found in a lot of sunscreen products could be used in anti-aging products. In some cases, he said, they can be used as treatments for certain types of skin cancers.

Goyal said until more studies can prove the new claims, he will continue telling his patients what he has been for years.

"The key is if you can avoid sun exposure completely, followed by clothing, and then sunscreen is the final step, then it's probably the least effective," he said.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.