Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sting - God Save Us from the Right

Throughout the 1980s, Sting, whether in The Police, or on his own, produced some great music.  Some not so great.  One I recall, near the end of the Cold War - They Love Their Children Too, concerned the Russians loving their chidlren so ... let's move on, we all want a world for our children and stop with the us versus them and get along.  Very naive.  According to Boris Yeltsin, the first democratically elected president of that country, and Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Communist Premier - Communism had as its one goal, the destruction of the West, of liberty, freedom, and democracy.

You can't fault a singer - he knows what he is told by ever so bright people, most of whom, I will guess were very comfortable with the idea of Communism.

Now Sting is back, well, he never went away, and has made some moronic statements in the last twenty years, but now he returns with another - concerning those people and values that fall within the Conservative ideology:

"It's aggressive and violent and full of fear. They don't want change, they want things to feel the same because they feel safe there. My hope is that we can start talking about real issues and not caring about whether God cares about your hemline or your color. We are here to evolve as one family, and we can't be separate anymore. ... I can't think of any be better qualified because of his background, his education, particularly in regard to Islam."

Malign the right with stupid and idiotic accusations, repeated enough, until other moronic leftists repeat them as gospel.

Retardicans do have their faults - most have no charisma, very little ability to analyze or use critical thinking skills, never did well at connecting the dots, and find articulation of anything more complex than simple greetings to be too taxing.  They are not however, fixated on hemlines or your color.  They do not invoke God any more often than the Left, but are far less subtle in how they invoke His name - the Left simply does it the way Sting did - God would want Obama is his message, but you note how very subtlely he conveyed that point.  The Right does not hint - God wants us to do good or God does not want us to sin or ... The Right is more honest - the Left feign an interest in God, but find Him unnecessary in education, politics, in public life, or anywhere but in your home behind closed doors and in church.  Not exactly the message Christ conveyed when He told us to spread the message and live the life we were meant to - which, I would assume means 24 hours a day regardless of where we are.

Doesn't matter.

It is acceptable for the Left to invoke God, because they don't care, but if the Right invokes Him, it is some major failing, and a reason to hate.

The Liberals of today are the party of hate, division, and race - not the Conservatives.

Conservatives have their own issues - I was quite clear on those issues above.  Which is preferable - bumpkins who stammer and fumble, but mean well; or articulate erudite fools who hate everything about the West, and wish more than anything to refashion it into something 'greater'.

Perhaps Islamic.

(I do understand that the spelling of hypocrits under labels is incorrect - needing the 'e' but it I did it that way and have no reason at this time to correct it)


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.