Monday, June 29, 2009

Obama Scorned

For the umpteenth time -


He would bring change to Washington.

His would be the most transparent administration - ever.

He would not let the lobbyists in. He would not have secret meetings with the lobbyists and then not reveal who came calling for favor.

He would sit down, without pre-conditions - with Iran and North Korea and Venezuela.

He would negotiate and talk, not make war and demand.

He would do a world tour to let our allies know we were back and we wanted to be friends.

He would rebuild the world after Bush tore it down.

He would go into Pakistan if their were actionable intelligence as to where Osama was.


That pretty much summed up the basics of why you should vote for the inexperienced Senator who crawled out of the muck of Chicago politics.

He didn't know who Blagovich was, he didn't know who Resco was, he didn't know who Ayers was, he didn't know .... very much. He had less experience than my mailman in international travel.

But he would be transparent - except when he didn't want to be, and then he would scowl at you like you asked him how many pairs of underwear he had. He felt certain questions were impertinent and when he didn't want to answer he would wind himself up and mock the reporter and then move on. As if Bush ever got away with that - NOT. Yet the media was complicit in carrying this forward and not questioning him or risking his ire, and presumably their exclusion from the club. With Bush, they wore it like ... well, they were never excluded and what ire they did irk, they wore like a badge of honor.

Not transparent - asked about who has visited the White House - the lobbyists - in the last six months, the Secret Service refused to release the logs and the White House simply ignored the whole thing.

But perhaps worse - his no conditions to talk to Amidinejad.

He scorned Bush for not doing so, he said he would, he was different, he would not be afraid to engage.

Well ...

The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad struck back Saturday, June 27, barely 24 hours after US president Barack Obama poured scorn on him and warned that "direct dialogue or diplomacy with Iran" would be "affected by the events of the last several weeks."
This time, the Iranian president included Europe in his verbal offensive against the US president over so-called interference in Tehran's internal affairs and threatened "decisive and harsh" punishment.

So the people of Iran showed the heaping scorn they had for Amidienjad, Obama lost the nerve because he saw blood in the water, and now Iran is closing the doors on the US .... NOW Mr. Obama, tell me, please ... how Amidienjad is any different at this moment than 1 year ago. How is his character, his respect ... how is he different? Not just that he has cracked down, but that the ability to squash the people was always present, he simply had no need to exercise that power until the middle of June. So Mr. Obama why now, why not talk - he is the same guy, he is the guy who Bush refused to talk to .... the guy you now will not speak to (remember - READ MY LIPS - NO CONDITIONS).

International events, world affairs are for adults Mr. Obama and you and Joe have demonstrated very clearly how unprepared you are in this dangerous world.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.