Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

As the bit to the right of this post makes clear, I believe (and I am quite certain of this belief - you might even call it a conviction) that between us and those who wish to destroy our culture, and kill or enslave everyone of us, is our military. A bit over the top? Not really. Immediacy is the only question.

That but for the men and women who stand at the gate, who prevent the wolf from getting in, who take the battle to the wolf each day - we would be over run by wolves, here at home.

This has been the case since the first militia was mustered on a green several centuries ago - but for these men, and today, these women, who do the work that must be done - we would not have the opportunity to lead such vastly vapid existences, or in some cases simply wasted lives pursuing the truly inane. All of it, is thanks to that man or woman, who holds the gate shut, who takes the battle to the wolf and who, in the darkest of night, stops the wolf from getting us.

There should be no politics on this issue but there is, as there is on every issue. One of our freedoms we owe those who have given their lives and those who stand ready each day to lay down their lives, if called upon is the fact we can believe it or not, we can do something useful with our life or not, we can thank them, or not. Yet none of them want to die for us - for strangers who in some cases cannot stomach the thought of their existence -yet they do anyway, because that is what they do - they believe in honor and duty, qualities so often forgotten or dismissed by some as cliches. They stand ready, and I know I feel much safer with them doing what they do then all the good works of nearly all those in academia combined.

Peace is not achieved by coddling those who would destroy you, it is best served with strength. Sadly some people in this country, and around the world, have never quite caught on to this, which is fine - they will be saved regardless of what they deserve.

I have spent some time considering this idea and all it entails and no matter how it is folded back up neatly - it is because of them, we can lead our lives. It is not because of the poet, not because of the teacher, not because of any politician, or religious leader - it is because of them. We all owe those men and women who serve and those who have given their lives in order that we remain free, a great deal - more than words can ever express.

Some people believe that our military is not needed. They believe that talking to the wolf will accomplish more than standing up to the wolf. They believe the time of war and soldiering is over - it is a new era, a time of diplomacy and peace, a time of reason and intellect, a time when men who think and discuss, who reason and analyze will win out over dinosaurs who are laden with armor. This is the mentality of those on the Left - it is now the time of men, the time of science and reason, not brute strength and force. It is no different now than it was forty years ago - the Left believed that anyone who opposed conciliation and diplomacy was wrong / close-minded / dangerous, and they preferred to believe the Soviets were our friends, not enemies, that they could be trusted and worked with, not feared and distrusted. The Cold War mentality was so primitive for those esteemed souls in academia, as it is once more - the time of Obama.

Subject: Pool report 5/25/09
POTUS is, reportedly, golfing with Marvin Nicholson. No actual glimpses of the presidential golf game. Aides say POTUS paused at 3 p.m. to observe a moment of silence.

Obama does speak well:
"Why in an age when so many have acted only in pursuit of narrowest self-interest have the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines of this generation volunteered all that they have on behalf of others," he said. "Why have they been willing to bear the heaviest burden?"

"Whatever it is, they felt some tug. They answered a call. They said 'I'll go.' That is why they are the best of America," Obama said. "That is what separates them from those who have not served in uniform, their extraordinary willingness to risk their lives for people they never met."


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.