Monday, May 4, 2009

Liberal is as liberal says, Conservativism is as liberals say.

For eight years, FOX News was attacked as the mouthpiece of the Bush administration.

Everyone from students to the brilliance of Hollywood would attack FOX as a right-wing mouthpiece.

The funny thing is, in the White House they listened to and watched all the news channels.

What if Bush had said - 'We in the White House, LOVE FOX' ? What would the hue and cry have been?

What if Obama did the same, only with MSNBC?

No need to wonder - The special assistant to the president for arts and culture and a key White House advisor on disability policy said just that. But I doubt we will hear anything about this, or any sarcasm directed toward MSNBC as a result. It is odd that their criticism was only political - it lacked reason, and that is proven now with the comment about MSNBC. It shows clearly the void among liberals. Their hypocrisy and anger. And uncontrollable anger.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.