Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jesse and Barrack

Not likely to be bff.

I do not like Obama, but I think even less of Jackson.

Jesse - Everything is the white mans fault and Government has to fix it - Jackson


Barrack - The government is here to help you and I walk on water - Obama

Barrack Obama told a crowd at a church gathering, on Father's Day that "we need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn't just end at conception." Then come the facts: that roughly 50% of black children live in fatherless homes, and that "children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools, and 20 times more likely to end up in prison."

Seems like a responsible statement. Males need to take responsibility to ensure the females do not get pregnant, if she does, to be there for the child, and in doing so, end the cycle of victimization and despair.

Jackson said that Obama was "talking down to black people." What bothered Jackson was that he wanted Obama to include the collective responsibility - that government and everyone else has for what happens.

NO ONE ELSE is in the room when the two people are having sex. No one made them. No one forced them. Poverty didn't for many poor do not. Responsibility lies with the individual, not the collective. Don't blame me Jesse and don't get my government involved in trying to fix a problem that has an easy answer -not easy to change, but the answer is easy to understand, and Obama gave us the answer - Fathers.

It isn't complicated Jesse.

But the big fear you have is the loss of constituents. When people accept responsibility for their actions, raise their children with fathers and mothers, the cycle ends and you and the other dinosaurs will no longer be needed.

That is what really terrifies you, and it should.

Goodbye Jesse

Goodbye Al

Goodbye losers


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.