Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Great Divide - Blue and Red, not purple says Bill.

Duh? Where has he been for the last 4 presidential elections (2 of which were his), and he implies it won't be fixed with Obamessiah.

Division? Polarization? Good golly - it began with Clinton. Under Bush 41, we could take him or leave him. Bush did not cause polarization, just heartburn. Bill caused polarization, heartburn, and constipation. It has only become worse after Bill.

President Clinton warns of growing polarization

Jul 12 06:38 PM
Associated Press Writer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton warned Saturday that the country is becoming increasingly polarized despite the historic nature of the Democratic primary.

Speaking at the National Governors Association's semiannual meeting, Clinton noted that on the one hand, following the early stages of the Democratic primary, "the surviving candidates were an African-American man and a woman."

Clinton's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, battled for the Democratic nomination into June with fellow Democrat Barack Obama, son of a white mother and black father.

But this achievement was overshadowed by a growing distance between Americans, said Clinton.
"Underneath this apparent accommodation to our diversity, we are in fact hunkering down in communities of like-mindedness, and it affects our ability to manage difference," Clinton said.
Clinton developed his 44-minute speech from themes he said he drew from a new book, "The Big Sort," by Bill Bishop.

He cited statistics compiled by Bishop that found that in the 1976 presidential election, only 20 percent of the nation's counties voted for Jimmy Carter or President Ford by more than a 20 percent margin.

By contrast, 48 percent of the nation's counties in 2004 voted for John Kerry or President Bush by more than 20 points, Clinton said.

"We were sorting ourselves out by choosing to live with people that we agree with," Clinton said.
Clinton has often meshed big picture admonitions with new books whose ideas he admires. He drew similar conclusions in 2000 following the publication of Robert Putnam's "Bowling Alone," on the decline of civic engagement in the United States.

Read: Time Magazines article on the same subject





Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.