We are, so often told how many species are near extinction and how many have gone extinct. We are made to feel very guilty, irresponsible, and bad. In many cases, we are justified in the guilt. However, what we are not told, by those who scare us about extinction levels, is how many animals and plants seem to ... come back from extinction. The quagga is but one animal that seems to have ... become unextinct.
Focus Magazine, December 2010, page 21.
"We can expect to rediscover one third of mammals we believe to be extinct, according to new researcch. Dr. Diana Fisher of The University of Queensland has published work that questions our ideas about animals long thought to have disappeared."
What this means is not that we can go on abusing animal life on earth, rather it is possibly not as dire as we have been led to believe.
The question is then - do the prognosticators of doom know with 100% certainty that their tales of woe are accurate - in which case they are simply misled and misleading others.
Or, do they know/believe that maybe things are not as dire as they predict - in which case they are liars.