Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

I was listening to a phone call between Kevin Cosgrove and a 911 operator, from September 11, 2001. Somewhere just after minute 4:08, it happens.

We have been protected from another attack. Al qaida has tried, many times, and just because you don't read the newspaper or the media do not report it, does not mean it isn't happening, and hasn't occurred. Just recently in Britain, several men were tried and convicted or conspiring to blow up aircraft, in flight - estimates were as many as 10,000 would be killed. Islamic terrorists are still planning, each and every day, to kill anyone and everyone who stand against them (which is anyone who is not Muslim, for anyone who is not Muslim necessarily stands against these evil-doers).

Enough has been said and written about the events from 2001, I will not and perhaps now, say no more about it - but we must never forget it.

Turning 9/11 into a National Day of Service - making it nothing more than a day like grandmothers day, can only come from the mind of a moral idiot.

We need to be reminded, without commentary, without words - simply the videos and images, their voices, their lives - repeated each and every year to remind us what the Islamo-fascists have in mind for us, and what they did to 3000 human beings in the US and thousands more around the world. There are those who say we should not see the images - it would cause anger.

I say - we need to see the images and to those who believe we should put away our anger and our feelings - you are a moral idiot, unworthy of life in this country or any free state.


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.