Sunday, January 20, 2008

God Save Us All ... from fools and idiots

FBI Denies File Exposing nuclear Secrets Theft

A January 20, 2008, article in The Times Online in which "THE FBI has been accused of covering up a key case file detailing evidence against corrupt government officials and their dealings with a network stealing nuclear secrets. "

Great story and one we should ask the major media why they didn't cover every day seven times a day. We should ask Dan Rather why he wasn't investigating a potentially serious story in 2004 rather than chasing dragons.

It is not the story this time, although the story is worth reading, but the comments that followed the story (these all come from the Times website although I have not printed all of them, for space and time).

The names of the guilty/idiots/responsible have been deleted, but they are word for word (mistake for mistake). The lines in black are written by various fools and idiots (and a couple who are actually quite bright), and my comments in red:

The Times is a London newspaper. Most of the comments are from Americans.


The cover-up must be to protect the identity of the "high government official" in the US. I am an independent but I am certainly aware of the media bias against Republicans. If it were a Republican official I have no doubt that this person would have been exposed already. Was it George Tenet? He was appointed by Clinton.

Best Guess! This fellow gets the award for most likely.

Current, typical US Media response: "US officials selling nuke secrets abroad to potentially hostile states? This is serious! Let's get right on... Oh, look! Paris Hilton's using a new brand of lip gloss! Brangelina's got a baby bump! STOP THE PRESSES!!!" Feh, At least there are some people in this world who still give a damn about the truth. I'm with X in Denver: thank you, Sibel, thank you for taking a stand and doing what's right. Keep up the good fight! N.

This is unfortunately a by-product of Hollywood, which happens to be on the left.

This story and the story of the six nukes "accidentally" removed from their secure storage are unbelievably shocking! How can the US press not investigate and report on it as front page news?

They are too busy reporting how low Bush can go in the polls and how Republicans are distancing themselves from a president no one likes. This story would require them to actually produce something.

If these secrets disappeared during the Clinton era, they were probably not stolen but a "gift".

Bingo! He gets an award as well. Can we say LORAL corporation.

Thanks, Times, for covering this story. The media in the US are cowards that would rather cover OJ & Britney Spears than news of substance. I should work for a news agency to find out for myself why stories like this aren't getting reported in the US. It's a shame we have to get news about our own country from overseas.

This person has just woken up and realized there are 49 other states (besides the one they are in) in the US. Pretty soon they will realize they are married to their brother or maybe a half sister who has a mustache. There are real differences between European and US media - the US media do not, on a 30 minute show, put 20 minutes of bodies, 8 minutes of weeping, and a 2 minute diatribe against the US. In the US we spend 25 minutes on anti US, 2 minutes crying and 3 minutes on commercials. That is the difference twit, not that the US media are cowards. They are just too busy hunting down the possibility that Bush and his wife had a fight one night.

Haven't I heard previously the the "corrupt government official" was Denny Hastert--the Republican (of course) Speaker of the House?

No sir, it was someone in Bill's administration. You must have been watching too much Bill Maher or some other dolt, perhaps Charlie Sheen.

who cares? Show me a government without secrets and I'll show a government that doesn't exist. Ever think that maybe the US is using this to shadow actual illegal transfers. Hell no, that would be too simple an explanation; surely it's a coverup....pffft....

True enough

Once again, the clearest and most present danger to world peace is...the United States. Less than a year remains of Bush's incompetence and deceit, yet I fear that his thugs will become more like cornered animals as the "end times" draw near. I would expect some kind of false flag covert ops to try to percolate a war with Iran, followed by martial law in the US as general unrest swells, followed by the economy going completely underwater, followed by (if there is any justice left in the world) Bush, Cheney, Addington, Yoo, and all their acolytes being tried for war crimes, marched out, and shot. I hope I'm wrong about most of this, but, either way, this is the end of American hegemony, a victim of monumental hubris and willful stupidity.

This is NUMBER 1 idiot. Please, do not reproduce. You are more dangerous than bin Laden - in part because you are too stupid to know how dangerous you are and not because you are insightful for I realized my IQ dropped 2 pts after I read your idiotic rambling. You serve no purpose sir but to offer yourself up for human testing on mars the next time a satellite is being shot up into space.

As an American citizen, I can clearly state that I am ashamed of my country! I will venture to say that I speak for the vast majority of Americans. All of the information concerning this matter must come out into the open immediately.

You speak for yourself and the idiot above you and no one else unless it is the 10% who can't read because you stole their money.

By suppressing this vital piece of news, the US main stream media proves, how regulated and secretive they all are. Not much of a democracy !

Oh and Canada is an open country. yep. Not. Please, crawl under your rock with bin Laden. You and he share one thing in common that I know of: you both believe the US media is controlled by the US government. You believe that not only is the media controlled by the US government , but the media of the world is free compared to the US. So when I want to know who was arrested in Canada on anything from drugs to murder, I check US newspapers for the facts because your media are unable to print it - it violates your laws. Fool.

Israel has been doing this for years. It is not politically correct to stop them, let alone report them on all incidents. The focus of this article is on the Turks, but Israel most likely had a larger role.

Yes, also quite likely.

1996-2002?? Let's see -- it started and continued under President Bill Clinton, but stopped under George W. Bush. The high ranking officials would have been from the Clinton Administration. I bet that might be why the press isn't onto it. Maybe Sandy Berger shoving papers into his pants was about so much more.

Even more possible

Maybe Miss Sibel is naive, and blundered on a good counter terroism op designed to get names and faces intoel and or prlopage missinformation. Sucessful or not, it could verywell be endangering foriegn operative and this newspaper would be culpable.

This is also quite possible (the misspellings are not mine)

Amazing, after a Vanity Fair article a couple of years ago nothing in the US press. Meanwhile friends send me reports from the UK, Germany, India and Israel. I forward the articles to everyone. The same people who were pardoned for Iran/Contra, manipulated intelligence to go to war against Iraq, and are now trying for war in Iran (funny after illegally arming Iran in the 80s, isn't it?) seem to be involved in this case. Let's get them imprisoned and throw away the key.

The friends in Germany must submit their news through their agencies for approval before it is disseminated to the people. Please. Europe as an example of free media! Maybe 300 years ago. Caspar Weinberger was pardoned - he is dead. Oliver North - he is not trying to invade anyone and spends his life visiting marines and hospitals. You are an idiot. Please, do not reproduce. Spend your life flagellating yourself for your ignorance and stupidity.

If I've learned anything from the Internet it's this: The "mainstream media" is nothing but a propaganda outlet for the government, big business and the owners. Sibel should just speak. If they lock her up the backlash will bring down the whole rotten system.

Yeah, the US media, a mouthpiece for BUSH, that's why the media like him so much. Every day when i read the NYTimes or LA Times or Seattle NotVeryIntelligencer, or Chicago Tribine - they write such glowing stories about him and his ratings being so low. Makes sense, to a comatose retard like yourself.
Viscount Linley - Princess Margaret's son, the Queens nephew, 12th in line to the throne -the name of the royal fellow your media are unable to print due to laws preventing the publishing of names. The US had the name because the government does not control the media, unlike in France, Britain, Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy ... [Do not take any of this to mean I care one iota about the individual or anything he may or may not have done. I don't. My issue is the media and government coverage/control - the censorship, nothing more.]

The US does not and cannot censor. The government may ask news sources to not publish, but it is all done on a day by day basis, NEVER with the undertsnaidng that it will be forever, or even close.

I would like to hear her speak, and bring the indictment of the Clintons back to the table.

Until then, continue using condoms, for all our sakes.





Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.