Saturday, February 26, 2011

Libya - The Courageous Stand up (now)

The tide is sweeping Africa and the Middle East.  Tunisia - the people saw, if they stood firm, did not collapse and run from the tyrant, that while many would be killed, the army would at some point simply stop shooting (defectors, run out of bullets or because the people became armed).  That when the people pushed back, dictators fled.  Watching those events unfold and in the manner they did, the Egyptians stood up to over 30 years of tyranny, and toppled a tyrant.  In Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Jordan, and China more people stood up and said no more, protests organized and people took to the streets. 

How well they do is for the future to make clear to us, later, but for now we see Libya, unfolding like a desert flower - the throne of Kaddafi, the dictator who was the first to stand up and vomit all over the world, hides from his people, threatening them from the shadows, handing out weapons to thugs and killers, hired assassins, and lunatics to slaughter at will. 

Kaddafi has been a plague on the world since, well, 1970 at the very least.  He grew into a monster from a petulant murderer, and makes Joe Biden sound downright clever and succinct or direct in public speaking.  He is responsible for the murder of American servicemen in Germany, for which the US inflicted bombing damage upon his set of tents (thereafter he seemed rather compliant - even while his murderous retribution continued), and for the deaths of the Concannon family, the Williams family (Eric was 24, his wife 21, and their two children 12 months and 2 months old), along with 262 other people killed when Pan Am 103 blew up over Lockerbie Scotland. 

He murdered in 270 people in 1988.  He ordered a nightclub bombed in Berlin in 1986, killing 3 people and injuring more than 250 others.  He quashed several revolts against his tyranny by killing everyone involved.  He was brutal and punishing in his retribution toward anyone he believed responsible.  He developed an all-woman secret service team to protect him, and his paranoia reached new heights in the late 1990s with the oddest behavior among many nutty dictators.  Yet, we are to believe that until very recently everything he did was the will of the Lybian people and ONLY NOW is he off his rocker.  That until last week or last month he was the sane and compassionate leader of Lybia.

Anytime an American would dare criticize the man we might hear 'tsk tsk, you are so petty you cannot handle someone standing up to the US' ... when in truth and in fact, our disdain was for a monster, regardless of whether he stood up to the US.  He apparently stood up to the US and made a monkey out of everyone else.  Yet only now, only this time, only this moment is when he is not reasonable, not logical, not faithful to his purpose ... every second prior to this last week - he was completely rational and sane.

Yet now we hear the courageous voices (Guardian Feb 25, 2011) -

Envoys to Portugal and Sweden renounced Gaddafi, with the ambassador to Lisbon, Ali Ibrahim Emdored, telling AP he was leaving "due to the killing of my people by this fascist regime".

In Geneva, the Libyan delegation to the UN human rights council called for a moment of silence in the chamber to "honour this revolution".

"We in the Libyan mission have categorically decided to serve as representatives of the Libyan people and their free will. We only represent the Libyan people," one envoy, Adel Shaltut, declared, drawing thunderous applause.


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