Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Obama Vacation on Hold

Does it matter if he takes a Christmas vacation?  Nope.  Does it matter that he takes a week off here and there - nope.  Does it matter if he spends 2-3 hours per week playing basketball - nope.  Does it matter if he spends on average of 1-2 hours per week playing golf - nope.  I won't mention we are at war, two wars he is allowing to continue, two wars and an economy that is not turning around with 17-20% unemployment when the full figures are counted, increases in foreclosures, and skyrocketing gas prices - nope, doesn't matter.

But if none of that matters, why did liberals have apoplexy when Bush played golf or went to his ranch.

Congress and Obama likely to delay start of their holiday breaks

December 13, 2010
By the CNN Wire Staff

President Barack Obama will remain in Washington for as long as Congress stays in session, and that likely means later than the scheduled start of his Christmas break, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday.

Saturday is supposed to be the start of the Senate's Christmas recess and the day Obama and the first family head for Hawaii.

However, Gibbs told reporters that a Saturday departure appears unlikely.

"I think the Senate is going to be in longer than this week," he said, adding that Obama will stay in Washington for "as long as the Congress is here."


Make Mine Freedom - 1948

American Form of Government

Who's on First? Certainly isn't the Euro.