And it does not have to do with the Battle of Karbala, although it is one of the most fascinating battles I have read or learned of, accounts of heroism and cruelty, of compassion and love, and faith. A very interesting man - Ali.
However, this post was not about that battle - it came in an email and while I respect the writer of the email for the logic and reason they display more often than most, I am left shaking my head when I consider the gulf which exists between us. Us personally, us as a culture, and us as religious. A gulf that grows daily almost independent of actions or thought.
This 'title' was part of an email that dealt with the 15 British military personnel held hostage in Iran.
Perhaps they are right and perhaps this writer is correct in making statements concerning the fall of western liberalism and democracy. Perhaps. There are indicators the writer is correct. Sadly.
Note: This, for some unknown reason, is the single most popular post to locate of the hundreds of posts and articles I have made available. Please, whoever - find something else to look for. I used the title line because it was the subject line in an email to me. If it meant anything seriously I wouldn't have used it. I find it very sad that anyone can believe in their faith that much and believe God will guide their righteous fist of anger because most assuredly, if He is about to guide anyones fist it would not be child killers and murderers of innocent women and children on buses and pizza parlors.